Status: Closed
Slots: Full

Commission Sheet


-headshot- $10
-waist up -$15
(Plain Background)


-headshot- $10
-waist up -$15
(Plain Background)

Chibi (coloured)

Lineart style/ Lineless style
-Headshot- $5
-Full body chibi- $10

Semi-Chibi (coloured)

-Waist up- $10
-Full body- $20

Extra random stuff

Gremlin -$5 per gremlin
(gremlin pose is as shown)

Amongsus -$1 per sus

Terms and Conditions
-Payment is only accepted via Paypal.
-All prices are in USD.-50% of the payment is paid first. The other 50% will be paid as soon as the final product is finished.-Commissioned art will be given as jpg or png file.-Commissioned art will be strictly for non-commercial use.-Artwork is strictly forbidden to be used for Ai generating purposes-Some prices may depend on details of character and props-Reposting is permitted as long as you credit the artist.-I have the right to refuse a commission.